How Yoga Can Help with Hip Issues

How yoga can help with hip function is by creating stability in the pelvis.   Good healthy hip function is achieved not by doing what most people think they need to do. Stability in the pelvis is often overlooked when it comes to hip issues.  

 Most will try to open, expand, stretch their hips, and actually this is not dealing with the joint, but rather the muscles, ligaments and tendons around the joint. And often these movements and stretches are done without any regard for the foundation of structure and tone. 

Although it might look as though you have more more flexibility in the short term, actually without creating a stable foundation in the pelvis, there can be instability in the long run. The Joint Renewal System is revolutionary as it looks a hip function from a much wider perspective.  How you move your ankles, your feet, and how you create stability in the pelvis all impact the healthy function of your hips. 

 A lack of stability in the pelvis is transfered into the hip joints and will cause you to clench and hold your hips and pelvis in ways that are not biomechanically sound.  And eventually, your hips start to seize up. If you are 50 or older, then your age,  a sedentary job at a desk and computer, an overall lifestyle with too much sitting and driving,  limited exercise with only a small range of hip movements (think cycling), and you have a perfect storm for hip issues. 

 It seems the more rigid person a person feels they are,  the more they try to gain hip mobility by stretching hamstrings or leg muscles.  However, this does not address the fundamentals, the foundations.  Hips and pelvis are part of the same structural piece and a strong pelvic foundation is essential for heathy hip joints.

In Kathy White Yoga's joint renewal system, that is based on Kaiut Yoga from brazil, the yoga helps with hip issues by addressing that pelvic foundation. 

The neurological body-brain map is challenged through the poses, and the signals where and how the hip moves,  how the leg can move independently from the pelvis, what the range of motion is, are all monitored.  Eventually you gain more mobility through stability.  This is so important as you age. 

Also the range of movements are not like gym exercises, but more subtle and kinder to the system.  Internal and external rotations of the hips, keeping the pelvis stable while making leg movements.  All these things add up to improve the circulation, and bring health and healing to your hips. 

You can try Kathy White Yoga's Joint Renewal System for FREE.  I have 3 free yoga videos you can practice with.  And they address the issues that many people over 50 have when it comes to starting or continuing a yoga practice.


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