
Showing posts from June, 2022

10 Tips To Find The Right Yoga Teacher For You

  Whatever stage of yoga you are at:   never tried yoga before, or used to practice but stopped, or even a seasoned yoga practioner, we all need a good yoga teacher. I'm really aware that not everyone who tries a class with me will enjoy my style, or my methods.  Not everyone wants a class that has an emphasis on biomechanical health, on calming the nervous system and rejuvenating the joints.    Not everyone will like my voice, my British accent.  And just like in life, some people are your people and others are not.  Thank goodness for that!  Otherwise life would be so boring.  H ere are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a teacher.   10 Tips To Find The Right Yoga Teacher For You When looking for a yoga teacher, it is important to consider your level of experience and skill. If you are just starting out, it may be helpful to seek out a yoga teacher who is beginner-friendly however, a really good teacher,  with more experience,  should be able to provide a class tha