10 Tips To Find The Right Yoga Teacher For You


Whatever stage of yoga you are at:   never tried yoga before, or used to practice but stopped, or even a seasoned yoga practioner, we all need a good yoga teacher.

I'm really aware that not everyone who tries a class with me will enjoy my style, or my methods.  Not everyone wants a class that has an emphasis on biomechanical health, on calming the nervous system and rejuvenating the joints.    Not everyone will like my voice, my British accent.  And just like in life, some people are your people and others are not. 

Thank goodness for that!  Otherwise life would be so boring. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind when looking for a teacher.

  10 Tips To Find The Right Yoga Teacher For You

  1. When looking for a yoga teacher, it is important to consider your level of experience and skill. If you are just starting out, it may be helpful to seek out a yoga teacher who is beginner-friendly however, a really good teacher,  with more experience,  should be able to provide a class that is challenging for their more advanced students, and at the same time also offer lots of support and guidance to those just starting out
  2. That said, this it is why it's also important to consider the level of experience and skill of the teacher.  Life experience also makes for a good teacher, see what else in life they have done. 
  3. Try a few classes with one teacher.  It is quite hard to evaluate after just one class, two or three is best. 
  4.  See if their style of yoga is what you are looking for, some people want a fast class, feel  more athletic, some people are looking for a more restorative class.  See how the teacher describes what they are offering, in terms of benefits, and if that is what you feel you need. 
  5.  The class rhythm needs to suit your rhythm.  You don't want to be too rushed, make sure the pace is right for you.  
  6.  See if the teacher is easy to understand, that you enjoy their voice and it is clear and loud enough for you.  Some teachers have quiet voices, or their voice goes very quiet when they lead a meditation which can be frustrating if you are hard of hearing. 
  7.  Read their bio (here's mine) check how long they have been teaching.  A newly qualified teacher with just a 200 hour training is not going to have the same quality of class as to someone who has been teaching for decades.  And that said, a newly qualified teacher might be more fresh, more open than a teacher who could have got stuck in their ways! 
  8. One of the MOST IMPORTANT aspects of your decision in choosing a teacher is to make sure you enjoy the class.  Now, just to be clear - you may struggle a bit, you may experience some discomfort, you may realise you were a lot more rigid than you thought.  But the enjoyment is found because you feel liberated to explore, safely held and in the capable hands of a knowledgeable teacher. 
  9.  It is also important to consider your schedule and availability. If you have other commitments that prevent you from attending classes regularly, it may be best to look for an instructor who offers online lessons or recordings to fit with your schedule.
  10. Finally, it is important to find a yoga teacher who's values and beliefs align with yours. Many teachers have different teaching styles and it can be uncomfortable if they do not align with your own beliefs.

It can be helpful to ask around and get recommendations from friends or family members before making a decision about which yoga teacher fits best for you!

I can't bow my head low enough to thank and appreciate how much I have learnt from all my excellent teachers over the years. Some I've stayed with for years, some I've just had one class with.  And my practice is all the better for their teaching. 

And I invite you to try a class with me, whatever level you are at. Come see if you enjoy it. 

Fill in my New Students Form to qualify for a special rate for your first three classes.  This is ideal if you who wish to take a class online on zoom.  I look forward to seeing you in class.   It will be my pleasure to be your yoga teacher for 3 classes,  and no bad feelings if you don't like my style - simply move on and find someone else to try.  It's really simple. 

Let's put it this way.  It will be really good news if I'm not your teacher - as you will have one less yoga teacher to try out!

And I promise you, if you keep looking and taking classes,  eventually you will find the right teacher for you, and you will be well on your way to having yoga be a regular part of your life and committment for health and well-being. 

More details about Kathy White Yoga and a free copy of my Joint Renewal Guide can be found here: www.kathywhiteyoga.com


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