Earth Day: How To Celebrate with Yoga

4 simple yoga moves for Earth Day

Earth day 2023 is Saturday 22nd April 

Earth Day is a global initiative

created to promote environmental awareness and to celebrate the natural environment. It was first celebrated on April 22, 1970. Earth Day is celebrated annually with events around the world. As the world faces more and more climate change issues and challenges,  yoga is able to give great benefit for the Earth. 

Yoga is Ecological

Many people don't think of yoga as particularly ecological, however I believe it is a fundamental practice we need for tacking these pressing environmental challenges that we currently face on Earth.   Yoga helps people to be more mindful of their bodies and their surroundings. Because we are approaching and practicing in a mindful way, yoga increases awareness of the breath, movements, and postures. With increased awareness there is more consciousness.  More consciousness is needed now more than ever for every single person, to ask themselves how are we using the earth's resources, energy and space.

When we do yoga, we connect with our bodies and the earth. We ground ourselves in the present moment and become more aware of our surroundings. Yoga helps us to feel connected to our own body, mind and emotions, which can help us to feel happier and more peaceful.  Happy peaceful people are far more likely to find creative solutions, generate loving actions and do good things for the earth than angry, aggressive ones. 

One of the most important things we can do to care for the Earth,  is to take care of ourselves. When we are healthy, our bodies are then able to take care of the planet. Our bodies produce less pollution and waste, and they use energy more efficiently. So by taking care of ourselves, we are also taking care of the planet. 

Earth Day is a great time to celebrate the planet and bring health to you and the earth at the same time!

 Here are four simple yoga practices that can help you have a humble green morning on Earth Day:

Four Simple Yoga Practices for Earth Day

1. Sit quietly and allow yourself to focus on your breath. Inhale and exhale naturally, without trying to change the breath, but simply noticing how the focus that you give to the breath changes it.  This will help you to center yourself. 

2. Lie on the ground and extend your arms and legs out in all directions. Slowly move your arms up behind your head.  Then extend your legs in the air.  This not only helps improve circulation and increase flexibility it will also help you ground.

3. Then either still lying down or sitting up, gently move your neck, shoulders, back, hips, and feet in turn. Doing each movement, think how that part of the body helps you connect to the Earth.  And soften each area as you connect back to the ground. Be joint-ful in your moves.  Focus not on stretching, but connecting.

4. Finally sit up on a chair or the floor and press the palms of your hands together in a prayer position.  And send some good wishes and blessings to the earth.  Let the earth know what you are going to be doing not only today but every day to take care of yourself, and of the planet. 

Want to know more about Jointful Yoga - download my free guide The Joint Renewal System - available for free on


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