3 big mistakes people make when trying to make changes in their life

 When thinking about making a change in your life, when you really want transformation…

 You are probably making 3 big mistakes. 

First  mistake is that you underestimate what it takes to change. 

Second mistake is starting at the top of your list with the least important thing that you need to concentrate on

And the third mistake is completely avoiding the biggest and most important  foundation of all change. 

Change comes from within.  Be the change you want to see in the world.  You are what you believe. 

Yes, the most important foundation of all change is MINDSET. 

MINDSET is everything. 

The pyramid diagram is adapted from a guy called John Wiseman who used to be an SAS (British Military Special Forces Unit) operative and has written a book on the SAS and why they are world renowned for their ability to survive through pretty crazy situations. 

What’s that got to do with yoga? 

Yoga is all  about peace and love, what can we learn from a retired military man who used to kill people for a living you may ask? 

The fact is,  that whether we want to survive in life, or survive in a combat situation the same rules apply. 

You have to start with mindset.  The bottom of the pyramid.  And work your way up, making sure you have all the bases covered. 

Let’s take the example of  losing weight.

You probably know that people who live a long, active and healthy life, eat less calories, are active and have a good diet rich in lots of fresh fruit and vegetables*

So there you are, you have those tools: 

1. Eat less

2.     Be active

3. Eat lots of fruit and vege

Most people stop there.   They just think they need to use these tools. 

 And then eat doughnuts when it doesn’t work. 

Sometimes, there’s a little more enthusiasm, and people start to think about the skills they might need to lose weight.  This could be something like: 

1. Growing your own vegetables

2. Regularly visiting a farmers market

3. Buying fresh (and organic)

4. Learning how to cook, and making meal plans.

5.     Get some exercise 

Great you say. 

Now I’ll get a “Gameplan”  - YAY!  I’m going to do this!  

And you sign up for a vege box delivery service, you order some fresh meals, you visit your cousin who has a farm… you buy some seeds to plant some lettuce, Join a gym,  you scatter your self around trying to make a gameplan out of your tools and skills. 

But you fail. 

Like an estimated 80% of gym members who fail to actually ever go to the gym. 

You fail because you got it all upside down.  

In order to really make changes you have to start at the bottom.  And work your way up. 

You have to start with MINDSET

Mindset means taking a good hard look at what you are thinking and believing. 

On the subject of losing weight. 

 What are your beliefs about food? What do you think about diet?  How were you raised as a kid to think about food?  What were you told to eat as a child?  What do you associate food with (comfort, reward, peace etc) 

Then if you want think you want to lose weight… WHY?  What’s the real goal. You have to establish your true WHY in your mindset. And it needs to be a vision.  Not a negative.  I want to lose weight is a negative.  You need to reframe it to “I want to be fit and healthy when I’m 90”  Or I want to sail my boat, play a game of soccer, cross country ski with my family for my 85th Birthday…. You get the picture. 

You see, losing weight when you address the mindset,  becomes the by-product of a bigger goal. 

 Once you have let go of whatever outdated beliefs you are holding onto… 

Then, and only then,  is it time to make your GAMEPLAN. 

This is the big picture, long term strategy.  And remember, you can’t skip the foundation.  Until you know your mindset and all the potential obstacles, challenges and habits that are in your way, you can’t come up with your gameplan. 

 It has to be tailored to you. 

From the Gameplan you get your skills, what do you need to learn, what books do you want to read, what lessons do you need to take to skill up so you can achieve your goal? 

Finally, you get your tools in place.  

See how most people get it backwards? 

That’s why I love the fact that I’ve been working with people and their mindsets for over 20 years and I see results.  I have seen big changes in my clients.  

And I’m excited to offer this MINDSET work to new clients in the Kathy White Yoga Signature Program, so yoga is not seen as a skill or a tool, but rather start it is part of changing your mindset.  It is the basis and foundation for all changes in your life. 

Yoga transforms you from the ground up.  

If you would like to have a  FREE discovery call to find out how your mindset could be preventing you from making changes, and how you can live a vibrant, healthy life into old age, book a call CLICK HERE

*Blue Zones – what people eat who live to be 100 years old  https://www.bluezones.com/recipes/food-guidelines/


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