How to practice Yoga when you have waist pain
When you have a specific area of pain like waist pain, or a specific complaint in your body the first thing you need to do is decide whether you want to check it out with your doctor. Kaiut Yoga is never a substitute for any medical advice. And can only be practiced once you have the all clear from the medical professionals. That said, once you have determined it's not anything serious, or have been given the all clear from your medical doctor then you can explore. I've chosen the area of the body that is kind of vague in terms of pain - this is because when you experience pain, if you say it's in the waist I want to ask you -Where is it exactly? I ask this not because I'm a doctor and I'm going to give you some diagnosis, rather the opposite. I want you to move away from any diagnosis, for the one hour of your yoga class and explore it for yourself. And I invite you to feel what sensation is there, be precise with your descriptions, be thorough with ...